I am an unschooling mom of boys and a self-help
junkie. I still love New Edition and I love to travel, though I haven’t
done enough yet. I was introduced to personal development and self-help
through the world of network marketing, the profession didn’t stick, but the
addiction to empowering books, seminars and workshops had set in for good.
Ever since my exposure, I have been a student of personal development
ever since. Friends call me in the morning and say give it to me, knowing
that I have some nugget lying around in my head, from a morning listening or
reading session. I noticed how much I loved to share this information and
guide people to it anytime they expressed a concern. Though I
became the go to KNOWER of things Self-Help/ Personal Development and Leadership
wise, I still found myself slipping further into financial difficulty, and
self-loathing each day. I knew things to “DO” so why weren’t things
working out for me, and why were all the businesses I continued to start, just
not working out… because “I know”. Well as I was unpacking my
things (AGAIN) in my new residence, a dilapidated fixer upper, but it was mine
and I loved it. I felt happy to be an owner, but still unhappy to not be
“Where I wanted to Be”. While there with my boxes, I ran into a puple box
that had been on this vagabond journey with me for years and I began to look
through it. It had some of my favorite self-help books in it and several
journals with empty pages. As I grabbed the first book I saw called making
a living without a job, I flipped through remembering how great of read it was
and wondering why I still wasn’t making a true living without the job when I
had this book all those years ago. I continued through the box to find
more of the same, how to books and journals. By about the third book, I
called my girlfriend and screamed, I never finish the story. For all
these years I have toted this crap around professing my love for personal
development but I hadn’t made any actual attempts at developing. I saw
that in each book I actually stopped at or skipped chapter 3. Why?
well, around chapter 3 is usually where you can find the questions about
yourself? Where have you been? Where do you want to be? What have
you gone through? Those questions that take time to answer, as well as
will cause emotional pain to complete.
Well, I don’t have a story. I have never
done anything big, I ain’t anybody, so I guess NOBODY’s just ever make it.
I am a Bastard child of a married man and teen mother, with neither
accountable nor available for rising I am who I raised myself to be I thought,
I am just ME…. Nobody… So after, I put myself negative self out the door, I
decided that I would do it, I would open these books again and actually answer
the questions to see where it takes me. I recognized that these thoughts
were probably more in the way of my business success than anything else, So the
Journey to Self-Discovery began for me and it has been my friend ever sense.
Knowing me has lead to loving me and Acceptance of Me, it has lead to me
seeing my contributions to the world each day, weather it is by picking up
paper on the street, or sitting with my son for a homeschooled lesson, I am
somebody. I write and share today to encourage others to go on a
Self-discovery journey to true self acceptance and happiness, discover a place
where you matter and nothing else. I believe if each individual in the
word took time to learn who they actually were and love and care for themselves
we would all live in a loving caring world.
All of the motivational seminars and books and
training wouldn’t matter if I didn’t even know who I was motivating. As I
really began to write I got stuck at times and decided to begin with my hair.
My hair has always been in my life, so surely it had something to tell.
Sometimes I hated my hair, sometimes I loved it, so I will begin to
journal about my hair. The gates of emotion and expression opened for me.
Each style that I recalled unlocked a world of memories, fears, tears and
triumphs that were near and dear. I could see who I was, and who I wanted
to be. I could see that I had the right to BE HAPPY WITH ME. Just
because, I am Beautiful, Unique, ME. I am a mother, a cheerleader, a
fighter, a mistress, a fashion faux paux and sometimes just plain old ghetto
fabulously crazy, I am me. So if you begin to follow you , you can laugh
and cry with me and some of my stories. Self Discovery Leads to Self
Esteem Which Leads to Self Employment which leads to Self-Discovery to
You are your Own Dream,
Mika Terry
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