Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lesson 4: How to Build Self Confidence with Haters

As a homeschooling mother and self-help junkie, I still love New Edition and traveling. Ever since being introduced to personal development and self-help through the world of network marketing, I have been a student of personal development. Friends call me in the morning for
my nuggets of wisdom from a morning listening or reading session. Though I became the go-to KNOWER of things, I still found myself slipping further into financial difficulty and self-loathing each day.
In truth, I have never done anything big; I ain’t anybody, so I guess NOBODIES so ever make it. I am a bastard child of a married man and teen mother, neither of which were around to raise me. So after putting negativity out the door, I decided that I would do it. The Journey to Self-Discovery began for me and it has been my friend ever since. Knowing me has led to self-love and acceptance- to value for the little things I do because I AM somebody. I write and share today to encourage others to go on a journey to true self-acceptance and happiness, discover a place where you matter and nothing else. I believe if each individual the world took time to learn who they actually were and loved and cared for them, we would all live in a loving, caring world.

All of the motivational seminars and books and training wouldn’t matter if I didn’t know who I was motivating. As I really began to write, the gates of emotion and expression opened for me. Each style that I recalled unlocked a world of memories, fears, tears and triumphs that were near and dear. I could see who I was, and who I wanted to be. I could see that I had the right to BE HAPPY WITH ME. So if you begin to follow you, you can laugh and cry with me and some of my stories. Self-Discovery leads to Self-Esteem, which leads to Self-Employment.

You Are Your Own Dream,

Mika Terry


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